Thursday, April 5, 2012

Back from Haiti continued...

I ended up posting below on the call of The Great Commission that I feel was released through our recent trip to Haiti. However, I did not necessarily write on what went down over the duration of the journey- planning, going, and coming back.


  • If I were to choose words to best describe this process they would definitely be stretching/ challenging, grace, and love.
  • Being the logistics coordinator for the Haiti Mission Trip this year was definitely a position that I am thankful to have been able to step into. Through being a team member last year on the Haiti team I did not realize all the work- communication, details, etc- that is required in making things happen. I was mainly blind-sided by the finance aspect of the preparation process and staying on top of records-even with all of Ranae's wonderful help- was definitely a challenge. I learned I really do not like dealing with numbers when it has to do with money. Thankfully, through the grace and assistance from the team and PSCC staff records were eventually sorted out and all were able to go! The fulfillment of God's promise of provision definitely was made evident through this trip not only to individual team members, but also to me in the way all the finances came together in the very end. We never would have been able to make it if it had not been for God's grace with finances and the provision He brought through the wonderful church of friends and family at PSCC and throughout the world!
  • In addition to the financial aspect of planning I also had the job of communicating to the team about weekly meetings, medical information, travel information, etc that each person needed to know. This was really good for me as communication is definitely an area of life that I have had challenges with and would stress me out. All I can do is praise the Lord again for his grace in that area!
  • For the next year's logistics coordinator- whether it is myself or another- I have many lessons I learned through this past year that will be applied in creating a format for planning.
  • Personally, as I mentioned earlier, I feel that through the responsibilities of logistics coordinator I was stretched and resulted in this being  major season of growth in my life. I am now currently in the process of working on being more consistent and intentional in my communication with others as well as working on methods of keeping track of personal finances and support. I have resolved to no longer be afraid to reach out for help/ support from others- in planning, finances, and other needs. This can definitely be challenging at times; however, how are we supposed to live in community and be real with one another if we aren't sharing when we need help? We have been made for community and relationship to live to see the Kingdom come and give what we can to partner with those around us to see the Kingdom come!

We made it... BEing in Haiti! 

"Depart from evil and do good. Seek peace and pursue it." Psalm 34:14

Yes! We made it! Praise the Lord! SO GOOD!  
A lot happened and went down in my heart... but here are the main points...
  • At about 8:30 am Port-au-Prince time we landed and I was home. It makes me laugh as last year flying into Haiti for the first time I felt like I was landing home- as if I myself belonged in this land 5,000 miles away from where I currently live- and again, this year, the same feeling and thoughts returned.
  • After stopping at the base to drop off our bags and tour the church (so much has changed! It was really cool to see!) we went to Torcelle where Bland's church has been built and the orphanage is in the process of being built. It was fun to reconnect with the people we met last year including Witchiny, Geraldine, and Mikuele (spelling?) who are specific kids very near and dear to my heart. My sister connected with them too... and you should actually know that Morgan and I are actually no longer sisters; rather, Witchiney and Morgan are sisters and Geraldine and I are...but we aren't all sisters ;)
  • Our team leaders- Craig and Sean- as well as the other leaders at the base- Alexa, Val, Steve, and so many more!- all meshed so naturally with our group that it felt as if we had known them forever. Seriously, God is so cool! The unity amidst our team was unreal! :) 
  •  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday we held Vacation Bible School for the kids. We had somewhere between 50-100 (or more?) kids each day and it was fun but we definitely experienced a few challenges in timing. It all worked out though and through being the coordinator I so much enjoyed getting to see the skits and narration come together by one team and crafts and games come together by others. Watching my teammates step into leadership roles and own the role was so exciting and really beautiful... to be cheesy, it was like watching a rose completely bloom and the petals stretch out in vibrant colors! ;)
    Through VBS I continued to receive confirmation on the heart that the Lord has given me for children and even just last night at church here in Idaho he confirmed it more and more. My heart has been broken and torn and wrecked with a deep passion for the children- from the wee ones through college- to know their Father. 
    • Matthew 19: 14- "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
    • Also, I would have songs proclaiming the Father's heart come to mind including, "Let the children come to me; Let the children come to me; For I am theirs and they are mine; Let the children come to me. 
  • One BIG revelation that happened in my life personally while being in Haiti was release. Not only was my health- circulation, stomach, skin, body aches, etc- completely healed from the time we landed to the time we left, but I also was able to release all the expectations I have held about what I should/ need to do  for the Lord and finally came to the point where I can just be for the Lord and let him be my guide and lead me (Psalm 23). 
    • So, back story, upon withdrawing from school I had no idea about where I was to go or what I was to do. All I knew was that my heart was in ministry and I was feeling as I was being led into full-time children's ministry of some sort. I continued to pray and search out options of what I was to do; however, through it all the Lord just kept telling me to "Be Still", "Wait" and "clarity would be brought in Haiti". So going down to Haiti I knew that by the end I would have clarity on direction for April/May and where/ what I am doing (for our God is faithful to fulfill his promises). Well, Thursday came and still nothing had clearly come... that is until the evening at corporate worship when Pastor Debbie Booker began to speak about Sarthe Orphanage. Sarthe is one of the orphanages that the Foursquare church has more recently partnered with in Haiti and as Debbie talked about it my heart twanged. As I continued to listen I just had a strange thought come into my head about myself having connections I just put it on the shelf and continued to listen. Well, then Debbie starts talking about the vision for the children, teaching, and the schools... and there it was clarity. So I talked to Pastor John Booker, Craig, Pastor Dan, Cori, and Sean and we all prayed and I just continued to have peace. A few mornings later I sat down with Pastor Debbie and John and we discussed my current situation, time frames, money, and most importantly parents/ family. 


      •  So, now I am in Idaho, spending time with family and discussing what it would look like for me to go to Haiti. So far my dad is all for it and excited as I will likely be doing correspondence classes through Life Pacific College while down there and continuing my own education. 
      • Today I think I am talking with my mom about it... but I really don't know how it will be brought up or what to say; but I know the Lord will guide me.
      • I also have been filling out applications and determining needs and when I return to Tacoma will talk more with Pastor Dan, Pastor Lance, Brian at Youth Mission International and others about this calling upon my heart.
  •  Ya, so a lot happened and there are many stories to share.

    Back at Home:

    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
    do not depend on your own understanding.
    Seek his will in all you do,
    and he will show you which path to take."
    Proverbs 3:5-6

    • So, like I said, I am now back at home in Idaho and spending time with family before heading back to my family and friends in Tacoma on Sunday. It has definitely been a rough transition upon returning as my heart yearns not only for the Haitians, but even more so for the people I encounter daily. God's love is so deep and passionate!!!
    • My sister, Morgan, is amazing and though we were close before we are even closer now (who knew it was possible?!). 
      • We are still praying for Cordova and look forward to establishing a coffee shop up there one day- more and more connections keep popping up... it's pretty sweet!
      • Also, if you could be praying for her as she is having a hard time being back at school and the transition there.

  • I will also post a support letter in the near future with more information about my move to Haiti once discussions have been had!
 Note: For specifics on each day of our trip check out our team blog which was wonderfully updated by Rachel  and Lisa at

Love you all!

"Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." Colossians 3:12

The Team at Lookout Point

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