Monday, April 18, 2011

Identity... who am I???

Oh my goodness! God you are SO GOOD!!!! I will lift your name on high and not be silent! You have broken my walls and you continue to tear down any remnants that remain! You are rebuilding me! You are restoring my identity! You make me whole! You take my whole heart and give me a RESTORED "Plan A"!!! Your path is straight before me and I do not need to fear! You bring me confidence and joy! I am your beautiful daughter and you are giving me my identity! I am who I am! You have made me EMILY MARGUERITE BRANCH! I have been created intentionally and with purpose! You have made me who I am to serve your Kingdom and I praise you oh Holy Father!

Lord, I am so weak though! With all the walls gone I feel so weak as I have nothing to turn to! I notice I go to sugar and caffeine as comfort rather than to you! (Haha and then my tummy hurts because I know it's not what I am really searching for.... I NEED YOU MORE NOW THEN EVER!) Come and pour out more! I surrender my whole self to you! I will fast from sugar and caffeine because I no longer want to turn to those as comfort but rather to you and you alone! You are my holy of holies! You give me boldness and authority by the blood of Jesus! I will fight for your glory!

Lord I cry out and ask for HELP!!! I need you love to fill me more now! I need help getting this essay done (it's already late!) and I need help studying for Oceanography, and I just need help with school in general! It is so hard to focus and get things done because I just want to be praying to you with all I am and no worries about school! "But that's the thing my daughter, you don't have to worry about school! I take care of you! If I want you at PLU I will keep you at PLU and provide all your needs! I am with you in this paper, in your studies, in your workouts, as you walk and work... I am with you always! I love you and adore you! I speak my Truth into you and fill you with my wisdom and understanding as you seek out my face! I have all your friends and relationships in my hands! Becca is mine and you need not worry about the love between the two of you diminishing; for it is my love that I have placed between you two! I adore your hearts for one another and I am still using your relationship to speak truth and bring growth to one another. You need not worry about anything my daughter! For you are loved by the King of Kings, your Papa, your Father! You are mine and I will never let you fail! I bring you restoration and strength my beautiful angel! Continue to come and run after me and I will reveal to you secrets that you do not know!"


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